Behind the Brand: Elements Truffles
Inspired by Ancient Life Science of Ayurveda
"We make fine chocolates that are kind to body, mind, taste buds and environment."
Alak Vasa, Founder of Elements Truffles

Our Story: How it began
Once upon a time, I was a trader on Wall Street. Those were some stressful days and I still remember each time the going got tough, a good chocolate kept me going. Then along my journey I was introduced to the world of spirituality. That is when I experienced how balancing the five intrinsic elements of the body can flower a natural state of happiness, calm and peace.
During my culinary experiences, I thought it'd be wonderful if I could blend the two dimensions of inner and outer comfort. After countless experiments with chocolate in its purest form combined with Ayurveda, a food science that reveals the secrets of how to balance the five elements in our body - earth, water, fire, air and ether, Elements Truffles was born. Shop Elements Truffles Chocolate
"Life is beautiful and joy is in simple indulgences."
We make fine chocolates that are kind to body, mind, taste buds and environment. All this while positively impacting communities that we live in. Inspired by the ancient life science of Ayurveda, our chocolates are artisanal desserts free from any preservatives, emulsifiers or refined sugar and sweetened exclusively with locally sourced honey. Hand-crafted in micro batches, our chocolate is raw, organic, free from dairy, free from GMOs or any artificial flavors and are infused with Ayurvedic super foods!
Elements Truffles chocolates are made with the purest ingredients and intention to spread happiness and love. Our body is made up of five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Ayurveda superfoods help balance these elements and bring about a sense of happiness and peace. Explore Elements Truffles
We take no shortcuts. Our purest ingredients have been selected from Fair Trade manufacturers that fiercely align with our philosophy. Cacao : Made from finest quality Criollo beans from Peru. Honey : Extracted ethically from hard working local honey bees of New Jersey. Shop now
A wise man once said that the gifts we have are for others. We took it to our heart. We are committed to making a difference in the lives around us. Each member of the team invests at least five hours of their time every week in giving back to community.
Moreover, 25% of the profits go towards supporting wholesome education of under-privileged children in tribal areas of India. For more details visit
A wholesome chocolate must consider everything. We take our passion for guilt free desserts beyond our products and into our practices. We consider sustainability for everything – from sourcing of every single ingredient to the finest detail of packaging.
We strive for highest quality with lowest possible environmental impact. Learn More About Elements Truffles

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