Behind the Brand: Cocovít Coconut Oil

Cocovít Raw + Organic Coconut Oil

"After extensive research we developed a proprietary, heat-less process which produces a 100% pure, raw, organic coconut oil."

Cocovít Founder, Rikita Kapadia

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Behind the Brand: Cocovít

This week we sit down with Cocovít for our "Behind the Brand" interview. In this feature we discuss how Cocovít creates premium, raw, organic coconut oil based skincare and beauty products. When it comes to effective luxury, look no further than Cocovít. Let's take a look inside...

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Ancient Traditions Meet Timeless Beauty

Cocovít products are made of 100% certified organic, virgin coconut oil harvested in South India. Our first product is Cocovít Coconut Oil, the first multi-purpose beauty, skin and healthcare product which is antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, paraben-, GMO- and chemical-free and, has no preservative or added ingredients. Cocovít Coconut Oil is USDA Organic and Fair Trade USA certified – Cocovít is all you need.

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Shop Cocovít Coconut Oil

Our Story

"I was taught the importance of taking care of my skin and hair at an early age by my mother, but unfortunately as I got older, dedicating the time to do so became extremely difficult. Being a working woman constantly on the go, I found myself struggling to nurture my skin and hair the way I knew I should. In my quest to simplify my daily beauty regimen, I started searching for an all-in-one product that was natural and free of harsh chemicals. When I couldn't find anything in the market that met my needs, I traced my family’s traditional remedies to discover the bountiful benefits of pure coconut oil. The tradition of using coconut oil, which originated in India, is said to be around for over 5,000 years and has been treasured by my mother, her mother, and generations before."

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Shop Cocovít Coconut Oil

"Enhance Your Beauty Naturally."

"Most of the coconut oils on the market unfortunately utilize extraction processes, which eliminate the majority of the nutrients and enzymes, and/or are processed with heat, solvents, bleaches or perfumes. After extensive research we developed a proprietary, heat-less process which produces a 100% pure, raw, organic coconut oil. 100% of the beneficial nutrients, enzymes, anti-oxidants, healing and restorative properties stay intact, making this the purest and most potent oil available. I initially intended to share the goodness of this raw coconut oil with just close family and friends, but soon realized it was too good of a thing not to share with the world."

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What inspired you to create your brand Cocovít?

"The tradition of using coconut oil, originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Inspired by my Indian heritage and my family's belief in coconut oil, I wanted to create a multipurpose beauty and skin solution.

The coconut oil I used prior to Cocovít was also from India, and while results were good, I knew it was not 100% raw, nor was it the purest or most potent oil I could have been using. Knowing this I began my search to develop a process which would allow the nutrients and enzymes to stay intact during the extraction process and in the final product. And this how Cocovít was born.

In addition to seeking out a process which allowed us to create the purest and most potent form of coconut oil, I also wanted to find a way to give back to India where my family originated from. During a visit about 4 years ago we purchased a farm in a village located in South India. This is the farm from which our coconut oil and other ingredients are now sourced from. The purchase of this farm has allowed us to provide employment opportunities to over 150 to the local villagers who were previously living in poverty. It has also allowed their children (over 65) attend school."

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Shop Cocovít Charcoal Face Mask | Coconut Oil

What is Cocovít's mission?

"At Cocovit we have always and will always continue to find ways to make an impact to the community in India where we source our oil and majority of our ingredients from. We also believe in product our customers with products which are natural, sustainable and effective."

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What experience do you want people to have with Cocovít skincare products?

"Our goal is for our clients to have access to the best Ayurvedic products. All of our formulations include ingredients which have been using for centuries in India and inspired by simply ingredients which we know work."

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Shop Cocovít Coconut Oil

Do you have a skincare ritual?

"My skincare ritual is very simple and I believe this has actually been what has kept my skin so healthy. I use our Cocovít Coconut Oil has my cleanser and moisturizer both morning and night, along with our Coconut Water Hydro-Mist as a toner.  Every other day I use our Besan + Turmeric Polishing Grains as a exfoliator and once a week I use Coconut Charcoal Face Mask for a deeper detox."

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Shop Cocovít Coconut Oil

What beauty tips can you share?

"My personal beauty tips are to keep your skin regime simple and not using too many products which can often irritate your skin. I also believe having a clean diet and being sure to drink plenty of water are key to glowing skin."

What challenges have you experienced developing Cocovít?

"The most challenging part of launching Cocovít was not really having experience on the business side of the beauty/natural beauty industry. However, every challenge I have faced along the way has only helped me learn and grow, to build a better, stronger brand."

Cocovít Charcoal Face Mask

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What makes you passionate about your brand Cocovít?

"Being able to give back is what really makes me passionate about building and growing Cocovít. We have always and will always continue to find ways to make an impact to the community in India where we source our oil and majority of our ingredients from. We also believe in product our customers with products which are natural, sustainable and effective."

What do you love about being in the clean beauty industry?

"The clean beauty industry to growing at a faster pace than ever before. I absolutely love how accessible clean beauty products are now available."

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Shop Cocovít Orange + Basil Lip Balm

What city is Cocovít located?

"Cocovít is based from Chicago, Illinois."

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Shop Cocovít Coconut Oil

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