Behind the Brand: YASOU Natural Skincare
Greek Inspiration + American Technology
"YASOU's mission is to combine the beauty traditions and organic ingredients from the rich culture of Greece with American technology, to create a new Greek skincare experience."
Theodora Ntovas, Founder of YASOU Natural Skincare
Our Story
When I was a young girl I lived and visited Greece often- lucky me! My mother’s parents were mountain farmers from a small village called Archia Feneos in the Peloponnese region near Corinth, Greece. My father’s parent’s lived in Athens. When living in Greece I remember either being in the mountains-where I experienced “old world” culture or in Athens where we were always by the sea.
Being near the sea, is very important to Greek people it’s how they live and part of who they are. These experiences shaped my spirituality and love for nature, animals, water, good food, and the respect for all living things.
"My grandparents lived off their land and cooked with the freshest ingredients, vegetables, oils, meat and fish. Both of my grandmothers made their own health and beauty remedies from local flowers, indigenous plants and organic beeswax or propolis."
Greek Ingredients + American Technology

My Essence – the basic, real and invariable nature of me.
I’m Theodora Ntovas, founder of YASOU Natural Skincare, a native Chicagoan and a first generation Greek. “YASOU” (pronounced ya-soo) is a common Greek greeting that is used to say “Hello” or “Good-Bye” but it’s original meaning is “A toast to your health.” YASOU was inspired from my heart and passion — it reconnected me with the heritage I distanced myself from in my teen years. In mid-life I found myself yearning for it.
Creator + Art Director + Visual Communicator
Before YASOU, I was an art director and had been in the visual communications business for a decade. Despite success in my career, I felt empty. I had a knack for noticing niche market opportunities and noticed that there were very few luxe wellness beauty products in the department stores.
The high-end products had an application experience that was lovely but didn’t have many good ingredients. The organic products I knew of had great ingredients but the application experience felt gritty. I thought what a shame that you couldn’t get both!
I felt a calling to return to the Greek village I remembered so fondly. I wanted to find where my grandparents were buried so I took a trip to Greece. I was shopping at the local farmer’s market in Archia Feneos where I came across a beeswax product that contained 10 essential oils from plants and flowers from the region. I thought wouldn’t it be great to import it repackage it, brand it and sell it under Fair Trade.
Well I tried to do it but it just didn’t work out. Every time I received a shipment the product was different. With so many inconsistencies I decided this wasn’t a good idea. I was heart broken and my husband Ray turned to me and said. “Why don’t you put all your ideas together and create your own line here in the U.S.? I’ll be your first investor.”
Thus, YASOU was born! YASOU’s mission is to combine the beauty traditions, natural and organic ingredients from the rich culture of Greece with American technology, to create a new Greek skin care experience for all! YASOU has given me the joy of reconnecting with my heritage and is a luxe wellness, Greek-inspired, water-base skin care line. Our ingredients are sourced from the best growers, producers and suppliers in the U.S.
Using natural skin care is a part of living a holistic lifestyle. YASOU offers you multiple health and beauty benefits, while creating a new level of luxury in skin care. We take great care in researching new ingredients and technologies to bring you the best. YASOU Natural Skincare is the manifestation of my heart and passion for good health, good ingredients and a happy life for all.
YASOU natural skin care products are inspired by the Greek tradition of using botanicals and essential oils to promote beauty and health, bringing a luxe wellness experience to skincare. Our commitment to you and our environment.
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